Virtual Sentosa - Sentosa Development Corporation
Integrated, Experiential, Digital Activation, Gaming

The coronavirus pandemic had put the travel industry out of action. Overnight, Sentosa Island had closed its gates and gone from hosting millions of visitors to zero. So instead of waiting for people to be able to return to the island, we brought the island to the people.

Nintendo Switch's Animal Crossing: New Horizons' was the game of the coronavirus moment.
With the world in the grip of a pandemic and entire countries indefinitely under lockdown, the warm-hug tone of the game had universal appeal.

To bring a holiday to the people without need for visas, restrictions, or quarantine period, Sentosa hijacked Animal Crossing and built Virtual Sentosa, the world's first virtual holiday destination from scratch on the game in just 12 days, re-opening it for travel-starved visitors to come for a holiday and experience our attractions right from their couch. It became a digital utopia through which people could escape the confines of their four walls while staying safely at home. Not only did we make 300+ headlines, tourists from all over the world requested a visit, and the brand climbed to the top of the leaderboards in brand visibility and relevance.
2x One Show 2021 Silver  (Innovation & Transformation/Innovation in Lockdown)
3x One Show 2021 Shortlists
1x Caples 2021 Gold (PR)
1x Caples 2021 Bronze (Response to COVID)
2x Webbys 2021 (Advertising,Media & PR/People’s Voice Winner)
1x Cannes Lion 2021 Shortlist
1x 25 Most Contagious Campaigns
8x CCA Gong Show 2021 Gold
4x CCA Gong Show 2021 Silver
1x CCA Gong Show 2021 Bronze
1x CCA Gong Show 2021 Finalist

Client: Sentosa Development Corporation
Agency: BBH Singapore

Go from couch 🛋 to coastal paradise 🏝

50 million square feet, including 18 brands and island attractions on Sentosa, were replicated pixel by pixel to be as realistic as possible. Not only was it super cute but it was also smart way to introduce our island's attraction to the entire world.

Our island was even awarded the Lily of the Valley as a recognition for our 5-star status!
